Principles For Climate Justice

Climate change poses a grave threat to economic, environmental, racial and social equity in Oregon and around the world, requiring immediate action. Without action we experience severe weather that threatens our food, air, and water. While climate change affects everyone, our communities of color and low-income communities (historically underserved communities) are hit first and worst by climate change and the pollution that causes it. Poorly designed climate solutions can further increase disparities. Communities of color and low-income communities are underrepresented in climate decision-making although we are on the front lines of climate change. Together, communities of color and low-income communities, alongside environmentalists, labor, and faith communities, can secure equitable environmental and climate solutions that cut pollution and use of fossil fuels, protect our environment, improve health outcomes, and address poverty. Investments in historically underserved communities are a key strategy to build community resilience and create a strong clean energy economy in which all communities can participate and benefit, now and for future generations.

Our Vision

We envision connected, balanced, healthy and thriving communities framed though:

  • Principles of Environmental Justice that recognize the intersectionality of people and our Earth, right to self-determination, just public policy, authentic and meaningful community engagement and workers’ rights.

  • Relational worldview model, an Indigenous view of balance between Mind, Body, Spirit and Social Context.

  • Multiplicative benefits and sustainability redefined, an anti-poverty strategy that couples equity with environmental investments.

  • Seventh generation perspective that builds sustainable policies to increasingly benefit future generations.

  • Social cohesion, the interdependence of governments, communities, neighborhoods and families.

Our Principles

Climate and environmental solutions must lead with racial and economic equity and adhere to the following:

  • Prevent Harm. Protect underserved communities locally and globally from environmental harms, negative financial impacts, disruption of social cohesion, and other impacts as a result of environmental and climate policies.

  • Provide Benefit. Reinvest revenues to reduce disparities and create opportunities directly in underserved communities. Ensure equitable distribution of multiplicative benefits— social, economic and environmental.

  • Ensure Inclusive Design and Implementation. Support accountable and equitable policy development, implementation and monitoring through involvement and leadership of the most impacted communities.

Our Approach

Broaden Oregon’s environmental and climate movements so that they proactively advance solutions that provide environmental benefits and expand opportunities for communities of color and low-income communities. Our efforts focus on:

  • Culturally specific and cross cultural leadership development

  • Meaningful engagement in systems change and policy-making

  • Equitable environmental and climate solutions

  • Centralized voices of those most impacted by climate change and solutions

  • Strengthened relationships between communities and decision-makers

  • Increased investment in organizations and communities of color

The Coalition of Communities of Color (CCC) addresses the socioeconomic disparities, institutional racism and inequity of services experienced by our families, children and communities; and to organize our communities for collective action resulting in social change to obtain self- determination, wellness, justice and prosperity.

CCC Publications

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