- 2018 Voter Guide — Coalition of Communities of Color


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The Coalition of Communities of Color advocates for and against ballot measures to help fulfill our mission to address the disparities, racism, and inequity of services experienced by communities of color, and to seek social change so we can obtain self-determination, justice and prosperity. To further that mission, we take positions and advocate for ballot measures that will move us toward this vision, and oppose those which will harm our communities.

This November’s ballot measures give Oregonians many choices on whether we will fulfill this vision--or move backwards. Environmental justice and affordable housing measures represent a step toward building a more equitable future, while flawed constitutional amendments will make it more difficult to address the disparities we experience. Most dangerously, measures designed to attack immigrants and limit reproductive justice will seriously harm our communities. In November, Oregonians will be able to make a choice to stop these threats and actually build a better future for communities of color.

Download our one-page voter guide by clicking a button below. The following positions represent only the positions of CCC as a coalition and not individual members. Learn more about CCC’s endorsement process and what it means here.


YES on Measure 102: Helps local communities build affordable housing

Submitted by Hacienda CDC and Self Enhancement, Inc.

Oregon’s affordable housing crisis disproportionately impacts families of color who are struggling to make ends meet. This ballot measure would lift the current ban on the ability of local governments to work with nonprofits and local businesses to build affordable housing with bonds, meaning that local bond dollars can go farther. Potential partnerships between local governments and culturally specific affordable housing developers would enable us to build more homes that meet the needs and priorities of communities of color.

Learn more about the statewide measure from the Yes for Affordable Housing campaign here.

NO on Measure 103: Bans any taxes on food

Submitted by APANO

This unnecessary measure would amend the constitution to ban any taxes on food, creating permanent and risky carve-outs that would limit the ability of state and local government to fund programs needed to address socioeconomic disparities in communities of color. CCC recognizes the importance of making sure families can afford necessities, but this measure will not ultimately help families afford food or end hunger. Measure 103 also strips control away from communities to decide their own futures, banning cities and counties from passing certain policies that could ban our ability to pass meaningful, equitable, and community-led policies at the local level.

Learn more about the No on M103 campaign here.

NO on Measure 104: Expands three-fifths supermajority requirement to any revenue-raising measures

Submitted by APANO

M104 would create gridlock at the state legislature by requiring a three-fifths supermajority for any measures that would raise revenue, including ending wasteful corporate tax breaks and other benefits to special interests. A supermajority expansion would make it nearly impossible to find ways to preserve current levels of care in the future, meaning that essential services disproportionately needed by communities of color, immigrants and refugees will be put at serious risk. CCC recommends a NO vote on this measure so we can work to keep current levels of funding for important programs and schools.

Learn more about the No on M104 campaign here.

NO on Measure 105: Repeals Oregon’s sanctuary law

Submitted by Latino Network

M105 would repeal Oregon’s 30-year old sanctuary law that has made our communities safer by providing protection against profiling. This landmark law prevents local law enforcement from misusing state and local resources on federal immigration enforcement without a criminal investigation. Anti-immigrant hate groups are working to strip away these fundamental protections, eroding our community power, opening the door to more racial profiling, and furthering an environment of racism and intolerance. We call upon Oregonians to take a stand against racism by voting NO on M105.

Learn more about the Oregonians United Against Profiling campaign here.

NO on Measure 106: Bans all public funding for abortion

Submitted by APANO

M106 would dramatically limit access to the full range of reproductive health care by banning public funding for abortion. This constitutional amendment would gut the commitment our state has made—that all Oregonians should be able to decide whether and when to become a parent, regardless of where they live, how much money they make, or the insurance they have. Already, many pregnant people are struggling to make ends meet and face significant barriers to abortion, including the cost of transportation, childcare, and missed wages. For rural communities of color, these burdens are even greater. We recommend that Oregonians vote NO on M105 to protect critical health care services.

Learn more about the No Cuts to Care campaign here.


YES on Portland Clean Energy Fund: Funding to advance environmental justice

Submitted by Verde

Years in the making, this measure would bring in $30 million in new revenue for living wage jobs, healthier homes, renewable energy, green infrastructure, and local food production, with a focus on Portlanders most in need of economic opportunity. The Portland Clean Energy Fund offers a community-led vision, grounded in justice and equity, that builds citywide resilience and opportunity. It is the first environmental ballot initiative that has been developed and led by organizations representing communities of color and builds upon CCC’s previous local and statewide victories for environmental justice. We strongly encourage Portlanders to vote YES on the Portland Clean Energy Fund for a healthier, more equitable city.

Learn more about the PCEF campaign here, and sign up to get involved here.


YES on Measure 26-199, Metro Housing Bond: $652.8 million bond for affordable housing

Submitted by Hacienda CDC and Self Enhancement, Inc.

The measure would allow Metro to issue up to $652.8 million in bonds to build new affordable homes and renovate existing ones for over 7,500 people, or up to 12,000 people if M102 passes as well. Our entire region is experiencing a housing crisis, with communities of color among those most impacted. The CCC supports the bond as part of the solution toward providing communities of color with decent, affordable housing options. We encourage metro area residents to vote YES on the housing bond to keep our communities together and build a more equitable and affordable region for all.

Learn more about the bond from the Yes for Affordable Housing campaign here.

Don’t forget to vote!

The voter registration deadline is October 16, 2018. Register to vote online here. If you’re already registered, remember to check that your address is up to date to be sure to receive your ballot. Ballots are due November 6, 2018.