Community Safety Data Resources

Information on police brutality, police reform, Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement(s), Hate crimes, and information about criminal justice--including disparities in prison populations. Primarily national and some state data on those in custody, policing rates, arrest data, and health/safety of those in custody.

Dashboards: Data portal with easy to access data points, analysis may be available.

  • Region: STATE

    Description: generally aggregate data on offenses and arrests. Demographics available are sexuality, race/ethnicity, and include hate crime data, homicide, property crime, arrest, and the quarterly uniform data (Law enforcement provided)

    Dashboard Link

  • Region: NATIONAL

    Description: also known as the Children in Custody (CIC) census, which had been conducted since the early 1970s. The CJRP, which is conducted biennially, provides the nation with the most detailed picture of juveniles in custody ever produced. The CJRP asks juvenile residential custody facilities in the U.S. to describe each youth assigned a bed in the facility on the last Wednesday in October. The census is not sent to adult facilities or facilities exclusively for drug or mental health treatment or abused or neglected children.

    Link to dashboard


    Description: From website “he Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) established the Law Enforcement Agency Reported Crime Analysis Tool (LEARCAT) to provide access to incident-based data on crimes recorded by law enforcement. LEARCAT uses data from the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), as well as contextual information from other federal data sources, such as the U.S. Census Bureau.” Use will be able to select what data they would prefer to see.

    Dashboard link


Datasets: User is able to do analysis with this data.

  • Region: STATE and NATIONAL

    Description: The goal of the Deaths in Custody survey is to capture 100% of deaths of incarcerated offenders including juvenile residential deaths. The data set contains Race/ethnicity and gender, but is currently under de-identification so is not available, but will be.

    Dataset link


    Description: Census of Jails is part of a series of data collections that study the nation's local jails. The 2013 census collected facility-level information on the number of confined and nonconfined inmates, number of inmates participating in weekend programs, number of confined non-U.S. citizens, number of confined inmates by sex and adult or juvenile status, number of juveniles held as adults, conviction and sentencing status, offense type, number of inmates held by race or Hispanic origin, number of inmates held for other jurisdictions or authorities, average daily population, rated capacity, number of admissions and releases, program participation for nonconfined inmates, operating expenditures, and staff by occupational category and race or Hispanic origin.

    Link to data


Data tables: Show counts and percentages user is unable to do analysis.

  • Region: NATIONAL

    Description: From website “This report is part of a series that began in 1996 and examines the nature and frequency of contact with police as reported by U.S. residents, including demographic characteristics, types of contact, and perceptions of police misconduct, threats of force, or use of nonfatal force. Contact with police includes instances where U.S. residents contacted police, where police approached or stopped residents (police-initiated contacts), and where a traffic accident was involved. The report presents findings on the types of contacts U.S. residents had with police and the demographic characteristics of those who had contact. It also provides data on U.S. resident-reported use of force during the contact and on enforcement actions.”

    Report and table links


    Description: From website “This dynamic data analysis tool allows you to generate trend tables and figures of arrest data since 1980, including national arrest estimates and agency-level counts by offense, age, sex, and race. The underlying data are from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program.” Last update includes 2013 and 2014 data.

    Data table generator link


Reports: Data is usually not available.

  • Region: LOCAL (Chicago)

    Description: ShotSpotter is a gun shot detector that uses acoustic to flag possible gunshots. This report and new article details its impact on community members and increased police activity in certain neighborhoods.

    Report Link

    News Article Link

  • Region: LOCAL

    Description: List of alternative to calling the police in portland OR. Includes a variety of situations, including substance abuse, housing, and mental health.

    Link to resource page

  • Region: NATIONAL

    Description: the Marshall Project is a nonprofit journal on criminal justice. This article explains the terms and basics of the “Defund the Police” movement, its history, and envisioning the future.

    Link to Journal

  • Region: LOCAL (Eugene OR)

    Description: This case study details the alternative to police behavioral health program Cahoots. How the program works, how it is funded, and its successes. Barely a mention of communities of color.

    Link to article

  • Region: LOCAL

    Description: PUAH collects data on hate incidents across Portland (from 2017 to 2021). The current tool is down right now, but the are still helpful and relevant reports.

    Link to annual reports