Housing Data Resources

Housing information and information about homelessness, housing disparities, and housing resources

Dashboards: Data portal with easy to access data points, analysis may be available.

  • Region: NATIONAL and STATE

    Description: To distill the contents of thousands of emergency orders, declarations, and legislation into a clear set of critical measures included in and left out of state-level pandemic responses related to eviction and housing.

    Link to Oregon Data

  • Region: LOCAL

    Description: Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) reports on mortgage loans application. HMDA dataset contains demographic information on the applicant; information about the loan; and geographic information on the census tract where the home was located.

    Link to Portland Data

  • Region: STATE

    Description: This dashboard is an interactive educate and inform interested parties about both the state of affordable rental housing in Oregon. The dashboard also gives an overview of affordable housing.

    Link to dashboard

  • Region: NATIONAL

    Description: Eviction phases covered by the Moratorium. Map shows what stage of moratorium in each state. The data is from 3/24/2020.

    Link to dashboard


    Description: (from website) Access interactive maps to view where affordable housing is located in your community, identify new affordable properties, and locate properties that are at risk of loss.

    Mapping link

  • Region: GLOBAL

    Description: database shows indicators on housing markets, housing conditions and affordability and public policies regarding housing across multiple countries.

    Link to dashboard

  • Region: STATE

    Description: Shows number of evictions since January 2020 to November 2022. Include the percentage of people of color evicted. Data is from the Census and ACS survey.

    Link to dashboard


Datasets: User is able to do analysis with this data.


    Description: To Access data you need permission from Continuum of Care (CoC). A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to homeless individuals and families and persons at risk of homelessness. Each Continuum of Care is responsible for selecting an HMIS software solution that complies with HUD's data collection, management, and reporting standards.

    Data Link


    Description: Tool for communities to identify the displacement pressures around them and take action. Strength Multi data sources, search many parameters, access to raw data, Limitation Uses marginally old data (2000-2015), so the current reality is probably worse, not as user-friendly.

    Link to data download directions

  • Region: STATE and LOCAL

    Description: Access the database and customize your search of affordable housing properties by location, funding stream, or subsidy end date to support affordable housing preservation efforts. You do have to register in order to access this database.

    Link to registration


 Data tables: Show counts and percentages user is unable to do analysis.

  • Region: NATIONAL and STATE

    Description: The Pulse data tables are a part of the American Community Survey (ACS). There are state-wide and nationwide data on housing access. Some tables include race and ethnicity, Sexuality, gender identity, Disability as well as other demographics.

    *Need to scroll down to find housing tables

    Pulse data link

  • Region: STATE

    Description: A study by CAT & PSU shows that 1 in 3 Oregon renters owe back rent that they are unable to pay during the pandemic. And 56% people of color are at risk. CAT has proposed the Cancel the Rent package, which would cancel all rent, freeze all rent, suspend mortgage payments, increase emergency housing, and invest in community-owned housing.

    Link to PSU report

  • Region: STATE

    Description from the Oregon.gov housing data: ​The properties in this inventory come from the following agencies and organizations: Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), HUD, USDA, Metro, all 20 of Oregon's Housing Authorities, and many county and city governments. This is meant to be a comprehensive inventory of all affordable rental housing with income or rent restrictions in the state and every effort has been made to delete duplicates.

    Housing inventory csv file


Reports: Data is usually not available.

  • Region: STATE

    Description: ​HB 3040 was passed in 2021 and directed OHCS to study and draft a report on System Development Charges. The report studies SDC’s and their role in housing costs throughout the state, provides a comprehensive history of SDC charges across the county, and looks at methodologies throughout the state. This report is due in December 2022 to the legislature.

    Webinar Slides

    Webinar Video

    Oregon SDC Study Public Review Draft

    Report Draft Feedback Form

  • Region: LOCAL (Austin TX)

    Description: This is an anti-displacement tool developed by community members with racial equity expertise and city staff in Austin TX. It was designed to provide guidance on how Austin can work to revitalise communities without displacing communities of color.

    Report link

  • Region: LOCAL

    Description: Article from the Oregon office of Economic analysis on the 2018 rental market in Portland.

    Link to article

  • Region: LOCAL

    Description: Different documents on Discrimination & Retaliation, Eviction & Termination, and Housing Search & Application Screening

    Link to article