Demographic and Geospatial Data
Larger public datasets and population demographic sources, primarily administrative data sources and resources from State, GOVERNMENT, and other national Organizations.
Dashboards: Data portal with easy to access data points, analysis may be available.
Description: Data based on American Community Survey (ACS) Census. Multi applications, economic, health, all ages, many maps are public domain.
Region: LOCAL
Description: Race and Ethnicity in Portland, Oregon profile, tables, and maps (to tracts); data from US Census.
Region: STATE
Description: Map overview from Oregon. gov housing development, “OnTheMap is an online mapping and reporting application located at that shows where people work and where workers live. OnTheMap was developed through a unique partnership between the U.S. Census Bureau and its Local Employment Dynamics (LED) partner states.”
Region: COUNTY
Description: In 2022, the Coalition of Communities of Color (CCC) collaborated with Matt Foley, a student enrolled in the GIS Certificate program at Portland Community College (PCC), to create maps of Clackamas County using 2020 Census data along with other federal and state data sources. These maps were created to support CCC’s Research Justice Study in Clackamas County as well as to help inform countywide programmatic and EDI (equity, diversity, and inclusion) efforts. Researchers at the CCC worked with Matt to identify specific needs that included mapping the following:
Concentrations of Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) households in the county
Geographies defined as urban, suburban, rural, and wild/frontier in the county
Concentrations of households with limited English language speakers
Median household income Regions with higher and lower housing densities
Region: STATE
Description: State profiles on population and housing data. It also includes county data.
Datasets: User is able to do analysis with this data.
Description: This link includes geospatial data from the census. Includes data file downloads that do not have demographic data but can be used with other census data to run analysis on different communities.
Description: List of datasets from current and previous US censuses.
Data tables: Show counts and percentages user is unable to do analysis.
Region: STATE
Description from the housing data: The Rural Definition is a list of cities and counties for the applicants to know if their property is eligible for a rural set-aside, and what category to select when completing their NOFA application.
Description: These interactive tables are able to show you race, ethnicity, gender and other information. You can select what you need on the tables.
Description: Data uses the census American Community Survey (ACS) survey data. Interactive table of the PUMS data. You can select the state, race, and housing data.
Description: List of census household data including states, cities, commonwealths, and Municipios. Includes data from 2021.
Reports: Data analysis is usually not available.
Region: STATE
Accessibility level: Downloadable report
Description: This report is tells the story of the many Black communities that are in Oregon these stories are shared through the lens of childhood and adulthood. The purpose is to put forward calls for action for decisions makers to further racial justice.
Item description
Region: N/A
Description: This guide is designed to help those present data in a meaningful and accessible way. Mainly for those with Disabilities.